V/A Signs Of Hope / Carry The Torch - split 7"EP series 3#

Goodwill Records split 7"EP series: 4 records with covers drawn by different international comic artists.

This is the third in our series of split 7″s with record cover drawn by different international artists is here.
And what a team it is!
The 4 track 7″EP is split between SIGNS OF HOPE (Oldschool HC from Connecticut, with their debut 7″ already on Goodwill records) and CARRY THE TORCH (screaming HC from California, with their debut on Detonate records).
And the cover is drawn by the almighty BRIAN WALSBY!!!
For those who may not be familiar with this name, let’s just say that Brian’s work marked the 80’s HC scene in the US, being published in tons of fanzines, used on a plethora of HC shows flyers as well as on record covers
(notably the first press of “Walk Together, Rock Together” by 7 Seconds, but also on record covers of the bands like Melvins, Cinder, etc.)

–Carry The Torch Arches And Angels
–Carry The Torch Color Wash The Devil In Gold
–Signs Of Hope Fight My Way Out
–Signs Of Hope Life Everyday

Artikelnummer 17289
Versandgewicht 0,08 kg
Lieferzeit 3-4 Tage / days*
Hersteller Goodwill Records Melchiorstrasse 41, 10179 Berlin info@goodwillrecords.net
Genre HC-Punk/Hardcore, V/A/Sampler/Splits/Compilations
Vinylcolour schwarz
7,90 €
Inkl. 19% MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage / days*

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