"Cream Of The Crop" - A few words with Marlon from THE YOUNG ONES
"A Few Questions" #3 - This time we had the pleasure to talk to Marlon from THE YOUNG ONES. They've just have released a new 12" called "Cream Of The Crop".
Read MoreA few questions w/ NÖ CLASS from Melbourne
"A Few Questions" #2 - NÖ CLASS from Australia, founded in New Zealand were anwsering some questions about their brand new E.P. and their postponed Euro tour.
The Elite E.P. out now & Interview w/ the band
A few Questions with THE ELITE. Their debut E.P. was just released and we had a few questions to the band about music, boredom, the Corona situation and their future.
Nachpressung des seit Jahren vergriffenen 1. und 2. Albums nach über 10 Jahren wieder erhältlich!
Oi! Ain't Dead!
American - Canadian Double Crosscheck! When giants collide:
Powerful Oi! and Punk plus a small dose of Hardcore: all in all it's hard as nails music from the streets.
The young wild against the barbarians?For sure is only there will no surrender!
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